Quickly explore USDOL PIRL data elements with this interactive table. The table automatically saves the state of your table configuration, such as any sorting, filters, column visibility or choice of number of displayed rows.
Use the search input to search PIRL data elements by PIRL Element Number, Data Element Name or Data Element Definitions Instructions. Search results appear as keywords are entered.
Column Visibility
Nine columns are set visible by default. Default visible columns: PIRL Data Element Number, Data Element Name, Data Element Definitions Instructions, Code Value. Click the Column Visibility button to open the list of available columns. Click column names to toggle column visibility on/off. Your preferences will automatically be saved for your next visit.
Show 10 rows
The default table returns 10 rows of data elements. Click this button to select the number of rows to display.
Use the table filters to isolate specific table data. Multiple filters may be applied. Click the X Clear All Filters button to clear all filters, including clearing any search input.
Note: Filters are applied to the table when you see the X Clear All Filters button.
Download an Excel spreadsheet of the table. The download includes all columns, regardless of visibility setting, and honors any applied filters.
Click table headers to sort table data. Sort direction (ascending/descending) indicated by arrow icons.